Sonar (jordandl89) Mac OS

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  1. Sonar (jordandl89) Mac Os 11
  2. Sonar (jordandl89) Mac Os X
  3. Sonar (jordandl89) Mac Os Download
  4. Sonar (jordandl89) Mac Os Catalina

SONAR Mac Prototype. A collaboration between Cakewalk and CodeWeavers. Several months ago, we promised to deliver a SONAR Mac Alpha. To build it, we collaborated with a company called CodeWeavers. CodeWeavers has a technology called CrossOver that is basically a Windows-to-Mac translator, allowing native Windows applications to run on a Mac. Cakewalk Alternatives for Mac. Cakewalk is not available for Mac but there are plenty of alternatives that runs on macOS with similar functionality. The most popular Mac alternative is LMMS, which is both free and Open Source. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to Cakewalk and many of them are available. Sell by date at 9000 posts. @48/24 & 128 buffers latency is 367 with offset of 38. Sonar Platinum(64 bit),Win 8.1(64 bit),Saffire Pro 40(Firewire),Mix Control = 3.4,Firewire=VIA,Dell Studio XPS 8100(Intel Core i7 CPU 2.93 Ghz/16 Gb),4 x Seagate ST31500341AS (mirrored),GeForce GTX 460,Yamaha DGX-505 keyboard,Roland A-300PRO,Roland SPD-30 V2,FD-8,Triggera Krigg,Shure SM7B,Yamaha HS5. Mac OS X 10.15 Catalina has dropped support for XMLs with the iTunes app, now called Music. The Sonos software looks for an XML file for importing playlists out of iTunes. Because of this, music libraries shared with Sonos will not be able to find playlists that are created in or updated with the new Music app.

Recently WebRTC has been in the news as a way to scan internal networks using a regular webpage. We've seen some interesting uses of this functionality such as The New York Times scanning your internal network to detect bots. The idea of a random webpage on the internet being able to scan your internal network for live host is a scary one. What could an attacker do with a list of live hosts on your internal network? It gets a bit scarier when you've experienced pentesting an internal network. Many internal networks are cluttered with devices stocked with default credentials, a list of CVEs that would make Metasploitable look secure, and forgotten devices that were plugged in to never be configured. However, despite WebRTC being a scary feature of many browsers I haven't seen any framework for developing exploits using it.

Introducing sonar.js

In response I built sonar.js, a framework that uses JavaScript, WebRTC, and some onload hackery to detect internal devices on a network. sonar.js works by utilizing WebRTC to enumerate live hosts on the internal network. Upon enumerating a live IP sonar.js then attempts to link to static resources such as CSS, images, and JavaScript whilst hooking the onload event handler. If the resource loads successfully and triggers the onload event then we know that the host has this resource. Why is this useful to know? By getting a list of resources hosted on a device we can attempt to fingerprint what that device is. For example, a Linksys WRT56G router has the following static resources:

  • /UILinksys.gif

  • /UI_10.gif

  • /UI_07.gif

  • /UI_06.gif

  • /UI_03.gif

  • /UI_02.gif

  • /UI_Cisco.gif

  • /style.css

So if we embed all of these resources on our page and they return a successful onload event then we can be fairly certain the device is indeed a Linksys WRT54G router. sonar.js automates this process for us and allows penetration testers to build a list of custom exploits for a range of devices, if a device is detected via the methodology above then the appropriate exploit is launched.

Building an Exploit With sonar.js

Now that you know how sonar.js works, let's build a working proof-of-concept with it. For this exercise we are attempting to re-route all requests on an internal network to our own malicious DNS server. Since all of the clients on the network get their DNS settings from the router via the DHCP we'll have to compromise it. In a real attack you would have pre-packaged exploits for multiple different router models but we are just going to build one for the popular ASUS RT-N66U WiFi router. Luckily for us the RT-N66U has no Cross-site Request Forgery protection so we can forge requests for those who are authenticated to the router. The following is an example request to change the router's default DNS server setting (this is the DNS server distributed to all clients on the network):

Sonar (jordandl89) mac os catalina

Due to the above request not containing any CSRF tokens or referer checks, we can force an authenticated user to perform the request. Those using Burp's Professional edition can generate a proof-of-concept by right clicking on the request, choosing 'Engagement Tools' and clicking 'Generate CSRF PoC'. An example proof of concept script can be seen below:

We now have an exploit for our target router – so how do we integrate this into sonar.js? To start we need to create a sonar.js fingerprint, the following code snippet shows this format:

Since creating a fingerprint by hand can be a pain, I've also created a Chrome extension which will generate one based off of the current page you are on. This is available here:

As we talked about before sonar.js works by linking to static resources on a host to enumerate it. The fingerprints field of the JavaScript object contains an array of static resources we know to exist on every ASUS RT-N66U router. For example, we know that the image /images/New_ui/asustitle.png is part of the main menu for the RT-N66U web UI. Upon enumerating an IP address sonar.js will attempt to link to the above resources while hooking on the onload event handler to check if they loaded successfully. If all the above resources load successfully sonar.js will then call the callback(ip) function to launch the exploit. So, with a small modification to our exploit we have a fully working sonar.js payload:

We then load this fingerprint database into sonar.js:

Now we have a working exploit! The next step is to send this payload to our victim. It would be beneficial to target users with router access such as IT staff or system administrators. Upon a user clicking a link to the sonar.js webpage payload the internal network will be scanned for an ASUS RT-N66U router and once it is found the exploit is launched against it.

To show an example of this payload in action, see the following video:

As you can see, we've hijacked all DNS requests on the internal network due to a simple cross-site request forgery vulnerability in the RT-N66U router. Now that we have control over the network's DNS we can redirect requests to things like to a phishing page. Suffice to say, when you have control over DNS the game is pretty much over.

The sonar.js Project

We can now build exploits against a range of devices and sonar.js will help us deliver them to internal networks. Currently, the sonar fingerprint database is limited with only a few fingerprints for a few devices. We need your help in expanding this! For more information on generating fingerprints and building exploits with sonar, see the following Github project:


What is SonarQube?

SonarQube is an open-source platform developed by SonarSource for continuous inspection of code quality to perform automatic reviews with static analysis of code to detect bugs, code smells and security vulnerabilities on 20+ programming languages.

Step 1. Download and setup SonarQube

  • Download SonarQube:
  • Unzip downloaded file.
  • Move downloaded file under /Applications/ folder. (I prefer it to keep it that way)
  • Rename it to SonarQube and delete version suffix.

Sonar (jordandl89) Mac Os 11

Step 2. Download and Setting up SonarScanner

Sonar (jordandl89) Mac Os X

  • Download SonarScanner: and click on Mac OS X 64 bitto download Mac OS X specific SonarScanner
  • Unzip downloaded file.
  • Move downloaded file under /Applications/ folder. (I prefer it to keep it that way)
  • Rename it to SonarScanner and delete version suffix.

Also Read: What is Flutter? A brief introduction about flutter

Step 3. Updating .bash_profile with new path

  • Start Terminal and run the following command.
    - cd ~/
    - vi .bash_profile
  • The above commands will open your bas_profile in vi editor.
  • Use down-arrow key to jump to the last line.
  • Use left-right arrows to navigate to the last character.
  • Press i to enable insert mode.
  • Copy & paste the following lines.- export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/SonarScanner/bin
    - export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/SonarQube/bin
  • Press ESC key and: will appear at the bottom-left corner in vi editor.

Sonar (jordandl89) Mac Os Download

  • Enter wq to save & quit.

Step 4: Setting up SonarSwift from Backlite

  • Download:
  • Download jar. In my case, I downloaded backelite-sonar-swift-plugin-0.3.6.jar
  • Move this jar file under the following folder.
    - /Applications/SonarQube/extensions/plugins/

Step 5: Starting up SonarQube

  • Run the following command to start the SonarQube server.
    - sh /Applications/SonarQube/bin/macosx-universal-64/ console
  • If your machine has didn't install JAVA or JDK. So please first download and then install it.

  • You should see a console as follows if everything goes well.]Running SonarQube... wrapper | --> Wrapper Started as Console
    wrapper | Launching a JVM...
    jvm 1 | Wrapper (Version 3.2.3)
    jvm 1 | Copyright 1999-2006 Tanuki Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    jvm 1 | jvm 1 | 2017.11.02 16:23:18 INFO app[][o.s.a.AppFileSystem] Cleaning or creating temp directory /Applications/SonarQube/temp jvm 1 | 2017.11.02 16:23:18 INFO app[][] Elasticsearch listening on / 1 | 2017.11.02 16:23:18 INFO app[][o.s.a.p.ProcessLauncherImpl] Launch process[[key='es', ipcIndex=1, logFilenamePrefix=es]] from

    [/Applications/SonarQube/elasticsearch]: /Applications/SonarQube/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch -
    Epath.conf=/Applications/SonarQube/temp/conf/es jvm 1 | 2017.11.02 16:23:18 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Waiting for Elasticsearch to be up and runningjvm 1 | 2017.11.02 16:23:18 INFO app[][o.e.p.PluginsService] no modules loadedjvm1|2017.11.0216:23:18INFOapp[[o.e.p.PluginsService]loadedplugin[org.elasticsearch.transport.Netty4Plugin]
  • But once you see the following message under the console, you should start the browser.
    jvm 1 | 2017.11.02 16:23:40 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[ce] is up
    jvm 1 | 2017.11.02 16:23:40 INFO app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] SonarQube is up

Step 6: Logging IN

  • Go to the browser. Open the following URL. -http://localhost:9000/about
  • Click on Log in.
  • Use admin as username, admin as password.

Step 7: Setting up the Project

  • Navigate to the following URL. -http://localhost:9000/admin/projects_management
  • Click on Create Project.
  • Enter the Project name.
  • Enter the project key.
  • Click Create.

Step 8: Performing Analysis of your Project.

  • Start Terminal
  • Navigate to your project's root directory where you've your project.xcodeProject file.
  • For Example:

Sonar (jordandl89) Mac Os Catalina

  • - cd ~/Projects/iOSApplications/myProject
  • To Start analysis, run the following command. - sonar-scanner -Dsonar.projectKey=MyProjectKey -Dsonar.sources=.

NOTE: Make sure you replace MyProjectKey with your project key.

  • The analysis will begin with the following console log. INFO: Scanner configuration file: /Applications/SonarScanner/conf/ INFO: Project root configuration file: NONE INFO: SonarQube Scanner INFO: Java 1.8.0_121 Oracle Corporation (64-bit) INFO: Mac OS X 10.12.6 x86_64 INFO: User cache: /Users/e070190/.sonar/cache INFO: Publish mode INFO: Load global settings INFO: Load global settings (done) | time=56ms
  • And, the analysis will end with the following console log.
    INFO: Task total time: 21.407 s INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INFO: EXECUTION SUCCESS INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INFO: Total time: 22.791s INFO: Final Memory: 57M/1531M INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Step 9: Viewing the Reports.

  • Navigate to the following URL.


NOTE: Make sure you replace MyProjectKey with your project key.

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